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Scott Crockett, Everest Business Funding’s CEO, Explains Beginner Content Marketing Mistakes

Scott Crockett, Everest Business Funding's CEO, Explains Beginner Content Marketing Mistakes
Hal Gatewood @halacious

Modern business leaders, including Scott Crockett, the CEO of Everest Business Funding, understand the value of content marketing. As Crockett explains, content marketing done well can attract sought-after audiences, such as potential clients or investors. Though to execute a successful content marketing campaign, there are several important factors to consider, and avoiding some of the most common beginner mistakes can help your strategy.

Below, Crockett shares his expertise and insight into some of the content marketing mistakes beginners make when they start their content marketing campaign so that you can avoid them.

Not Having a Plan

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to start producing content without having any plan in place. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you will be able to “wing it” as you go along.

The problem is that without a clear plan, you are likely to end up not achieving any of your goals with your content.

How do I create a content strategy?

There are many different ways to approach creating a content strategy, but all good strategies have in common that they begin with the basics: What do I need my content to do? Who am I creating it for? And what resources do I have available?

From there, you can set specific goals for your content strategy and start to work toward them.

Ignoring the Competition

One of the biggest mistakes content marketers make is ignoring their competitors. Instead of learning from those who came before them, they attempt to reinvent the wheel and make similar mistakes.

Content marketing is about reaching out to your target audience and providing value for them. That’s why it’s important to understand what your competitors are already doing well and how you can build on that success instead of trying to start over from scratch.

Not Telling a Story

Many blogs are written with an educational tone — and that’s good! But it’s not enough anymore.

The most engaging posts tell a story from the writer’s perspective, whether it’s personal (for example, “I did this”) or professional (for example, “my client did this”). The best stories have conflict and resolution — and they end with valuable takeaways for the reader.

Not Optimizing for Mobile

In this day and age, it’s essential to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. After all, more than half of the global population has a mobile phone, and over half of online traffic comes from mobile devices.

Google now uses “mobile-first” indexing, which means that the search engine crawls, analyzes, and ranks websites based on the mobile view first and foremost. It’s essential to have a responsive website where the content adapts to any screen size or orientation.

Your website should be designed with all screen sizes in mind so that you can give your audience a great user experience. For example, surfers should be able to easily scroll through your content with their fingers without zooming in or out.

About Scott Crockett

Scott Crockett is the founder and CEO of Everest Business Funding. He is a seasoned professional with 20 years of experience in the finance industry. Mr. Crockett’s track record includes raising more than $250 million in capital and creating thousands of jobs. Scott has founded, built, and managed several finance companies in the consumer and commercial finance sectors.

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